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Fredericksburg: The Best Place for Fresh Strawberries and Peaches

Nothing goes better with spring and summer than strawberries and peaches. Here in Fredericksburg, Texas, we know all the best places to find delicious, fresh strawberries and peaches. Take a peek at these beautiful farms and see the agricultural richness of Fredericksburg for yourself.

History of Fredericksburg Farming

Before we get into the farms, you need to know why Fredericksburg is the best place for fresh fruit – particularly peaches. With approximately 600 acres worth of peach trees, Gillespie County (home of Fredericksburg) produces more peaches than almost every other county in Texas. We don’t need to tell you that’s a lot of peaches!

Peaches have been growing here since German settlers arrived in 1846. Because of our rich soil, altitude, and diurnal temperatures, we’ve got the perfect conditions to produce flawless, tasty peaches from May to August.

Each farm brings something different to the peach market, but they all share the deep commitment to keeping Fredericksburg’s peach business alive – and they’re doing a phenomenal job!

Bariloche Farm

Strawberry season still has some time left! From April to May, Bariloche Farm offers the freshest berries around. This charming little farm doesn’t stop there. In addition to their plethora of fruit selections, Bariloche Farm makes their own peach and blackberry cobbler, delicious ice cream, jam, jelly, salsa, and specialty seasonal items for you to take home. Enjoy the tasty treats while you take in the scenic country.

Don’t think Bariloche Farm only supplies fresh fruit products. They’ve got a quaint gift shop, too! From soaps made from goat milk to an extensive lavender collection, Bariloche Farm has everything you need for the perfect Fredericksburg agricultural experience.

Donald Eckhardt Orchards

Ready to move on to peach season? You’ve still got a little while before Fredericksburg’s peaches are ripe for the picking, but don’t let that stop you from perusing the products at Donald Eckhardt Orchards. Eckhardt boasts several awards for their homegrown peaches. They’re dedicated to growing fresh Fredericksburg peaches, but they also have delectable plums, blackberries, and tomatoes – truly something for everyone! While Donald Eckhardt Orchards isn’t a pick-your-own orchard, you receive some of the best quality produce in Gillespie County.

You get the real Southern experience when you visit Donald Eckhardt Orchards. Established in 1936, this orchard places emphasis on its roots. They’ve been family-owned for three generations. You won’t find a more homegrown experience than at Donald Eckhardt Orchards.


Lydell’s Store

Looking for a store that makes you feel like you’re right at home? Lydell’s Store is the place for you. The intimate atmosphere allows you to get a feel for the family who runs the farm. Deeply connected to the Fredericksburg community, Lydell’s sponsors Dripping Springs Youth Sports Little League Baseball. It’s clear to see their commitment to Fredericksburg, meaning you get to see a bite-sized portion of all the reasons why Fredericksburg is the best place in Texas.

From the moment you enter their store, you feel part of their family. Fresh peach cobbler and peach ice cream are fresh and ready for you to purchase along with a bunch of beautifully ripe peaches. 

Jenschke Orchards

Our last stop on this tour of Fredericksburg’s best peaches is Jenschke Orchards. This farm’s biggest feature has to be their pick-your-own peaches option. You can buy the fruit from their store if you need to stop in quickly, but when you want a fun day out with your family, picking peaches is the way to go! Like the other farms in this list, Jenschke offers a variety of tasty treats along with their peaches. Ice cream, jam, jelly, and canned peaches are among the options available to purchase.

Jenschke Orchards has been a family-owned business for seven generations. If you’re keeping track, that puts Jenschke Orchards right at the start of peach growing in Fredericksburg. What a legacy!


Fredericksburg: A Place Peaches Call Home

These farms are merely a sampling of the peach farms in the Fredericksburg area. Plenty more farms line Highway 290. The peach market is just one of many reasons Fredericksburg makes a great place to live. Southern charm pervades every street corner. Not a moment goes by where you don’t think to yourself, “Wow, this place is beautiful.”

Culturally rich and full of places to explore, Fredericksburg, Texas makes a great place to settle down with your family. Our farm fresh peaches bring you down, and their yearly crops make you stay – as do all of Fredericksburg’s wonderful features! Stop on by and stay forever Fredericksburg, the heart of Texas.