I’m A Local

Fort Martin Scott

Guardian of the Texas Frontier! Fort Martin Scott was the first U.S. military post to be established on the western frontier of Texas. The fort sits just above the banks of Baron’s Creek at the eastern edge of Fredericksburg. The fort is next door to the “Texas Rangers Heritage Center.” The fort is an historical treasure and it is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Check our website for regularly scheduled living history reenactments and events at the fort. The fort site is open daily from 8:00am to 5:00pm for self-guided tours. There is no admission charge. Visitors to this National Historic Site are free to wander about the grounds and reflect upon the importance that this old fort played in the development of the great State of Texas. Once teaming with the activities of soldiers, civilians and teamsters, today it is brought back to life during many of the regularly scheduled living history reenactments and events held at the fort.


1606 East Main Street Fredericksburg, Texas

