I’m A Local

Peach Season in Fredericksburg, TX

Fredericksburg, TX (and the nearby Stonewall, TX) are FAMOUS for their peaches! Before the wineries, visitors would still make the trip to pick peaches at one of the local orchards, and stop by all the local farm stands along the highway to pick up pies, ice cream, and other farm fresh peach treats. Peak peach season is mid-May to mid-August, making these local favorites the perfect summertime sweet. Texas Hill Country peaches can also be found at local restaurants in the form of seasonal specials and other offerings.

Read on to see a list of all the working orchards in our area, some favorite local farm stands, and some restaurants currently incorporating Fredericksburg peaches into their menus!

Orchards & Farms (offering Pick Your Own Peaches as crop/season allows):


Farm Stands & Country Stores (offering farm fresh peaches & other produce/items)

Not enough peaches for you? Here’s a guide to Hill Country Peaches, all year ’round, featuring crop updates, orchard updates, and more!